To kick off the California Lawyers Association’s first annual wellness challenge, Mitra lead a mindfulness session about navigating a new year and a new normal. Her mindfulness pillars for 2021 are awareness, presence, acceptance, and curiosity. Through a series of questions and answers with the participants, Mitra explains that when we live on autopilot, we over-plan, dwelling on the future instead of the present. Especially now, when our lives are changing every day, living in the present is essential. We have to accept rather than lament the changes we face. Though Mitra’s speaking to lawyers, this session will resonate with anyone who can get swept up in their work, struggle to practice self-care, or lose their focus on the present. Mitra offers tips for staying mindful, including three essential questions we can ask ourselves when we feel off-center. This in-depth session is available to watch here, thanks to the California Lawyer’s Association.