In this live and recorded podcast, Mitra provides real answers to real questions and real challenges that people are facing, coaching you in all aspects of a mindful life, from your home to your work and many places in between.
This podcast with Mitra helps us to find a calm inner sense of what we want and need to say. She is a great guide that leads us to the truth that resides inside.
Calming and ClearDOREEN DOWNING
I sense that Mitra has done a lot of spiritual work on herself so to speak with the right kind of guides and that she also has the right intentions, this is not just commercial. This makes a world of a difference for how I or anyone else can benefit from this podcast. This podcast is especially ebenficial for anyone wanting to become better acquainted with their own emotions and energy and how to use their minds as an ally to help them in their journey in life. It also helps that Mitra has a soothing voice.
You will benefit from this podcastOMAR-07
Soothing voice, key information from an obviously well-educated source. Thank you.
Short, easy essential teachingsKDIDDLZ
This podcast is both engaging and insightful with such calmness in tone. The knowledge in mindfulness is excellent.
Engaging & InsightfulJOSELONDON80
Hello Mitra, a long time ago I listened to one of your podcast episodes and you mentioned how you like to send love out to strangers as you move through your day - homeless people or maybe a person who looks like they need a kind or loving thought or just anyone. This resonated with me and I do this now too. And each morning I also send a love thought to you and to your Mum, just because it feels like a great way to start my day.
I have recently found Mitra on Clubhouse and immediately became a huge fan! I absolutely lover her calm and intelligent talks and feel that I learn every time I listen to her live speeches or listen to her podcasts. I also downloaded her app Innermap and found a ton of useful information on that. I love Mitra and always look for her new materials to listen to and learn. 🙏🏻💝
I have been listening to Mitra’s work as a meditation teacher for several years through the UCLA mindful meditation app. Her style and wisdom always resonated with me. Now delighted to find more Mitra through Innermap and her steaming on YouTube. She has a way of explaining things simply, clearly and compassionately. Be sure to take a listen.
Answers to questions you didn’t think to askGROWINGINTOME
It’s hard to summarize Mitra’s teachings in a review such as this. Many of the podcasts reminded me of what I already knew but forgot. Some teachings are brand new. Either way, it’s always a treat to take a beat for my self care and listen in. My days have become smoother by remembering to ask “with what energy (or fuel) am I approaching a moment?” Thank you Mitra ✨
Mitra reminds you of your powerPASS2020
I really enjoyed the “can you imagine” series. Thank you for the hard work !
I am a mindfulness practitioner. Came across this podcast and was like I found a gem. Listening to Mitra’s voice as she walks us through the pragmatic life experiences and tools to be present here in the now, are just amazing. Hopefully I can connect with Mitra one day. I recommend this podcast to everyone who are on their journey of self awareness.
Podcast to feed the soulVANI3020
Every podcast holds more then one gift. Listen and learn from this amazing, insightful teacher. Then listen again and again to truly grasp the depth of each message. As I listen and learn, I find myself saying more often than not, “Ohhhh, that’s good!.
Listen & LearnNMU1978
Mitra’s artful way of telling a story is one of her strongest suits. Her tone paints a landscape of light and love. She advocates for inner and outer peace. I am so happy to have found her podcasts. Much love.
Unwavering dedication to peaceDIVANEH59
One of the greatest teachers of 👏🏾all👏🏾time.
Blessed to have Mitra close to home...AIKO_MEANS_LOVE
I’ve been learning from Mitra Manesh for over four years. The way she teaches self-responsibility and is able to break down complicated deeper topics into simple ways for anyone at any level to understand always amazes me. These podcasts are a gift to have in your pocket.