Mindful Attentionist Self-Coaching Program
This program gives mindful self-coaching a new focus with an accent on attention. An “Attentionist” is mindful of the choices that offer themselves throughout the day, awake to the possibilities of breaking out of old patterns and suffering, and free from the prison of a programmed, robotic life.
This 3-month intensive program guides you through the journey of understanding the whys of how we collectively got here, and offers you an alternative as well as an opportunity to examine foundational beliefs that may be hindering your mindfulness and choice awareness, and keeping you from a more elevated, happier, and healthier way of being in this world.
You will go through a deep examination of your life from the physical & material, mental, emotional, and spiritual perspectives. We also help you examine different energies, beliefs, and obstacles that stop you from accessing wellbeing, and offer you tools and safe environment to re-create a new version of yourself, this time through awareness and with choice.
Choice is the essence of life. But for most of us, most of the time, our choices are unconscious, reactive, and habitual; they feel like they’re not really choices at all.
Attention is the key to turning this around. Conscious attention to the everyday flow of experience, the choice-points that present themselves throughout the day, and the opportunities to wake up and become active participants in life as an Attentionist with an ongoing sense of choosing who and how we want to be and live.
An Attentionist has mastered the practice of meeting choice with Intention, and of turning intention into mindful Action. That mindful triangle—Attention, Intention, and Action—can empower us and change our lives from the inside out. It can determine whether we wake up and take charge, or sleepwalk and suffer. The choice is ours!
- Are you ready to coach yourself out of suffering?
- Are you ready to live a Choice-Centered life?
- Are you ready to experience wellbeing from inside out?
Who is This Course For?
The MAC Self-Coaching Program is for people who have gone through some mindfulness learning and practices and/or are interested in going much deeper with both understanding and the application of its principles as a self-coach.
This is self-paced 5-month virtual program in which you have access to 11 audio lessons, are invited to participate in a live 2-hour, twice per month virtual sessions with Mitra for AMA (Ask Me Anything), coaching, and deeper dive into the subject matters, have an opportunity to join the monthly peer-led sessions for additional support, and have access to community chat on WhatsApp. So it’s quite a comprehensive program and a commitment to growth!

What Sets us apart?
Mitra created her own field of mindfulness-based coaching for individuals and corporations 4 decades ago and is highly experienced in self coaching, group coaching, couple/family coaching, individual coaching, and executive coaching.
Even though mindfulness teaching has been popular in recent years, the coaching angle of this field remains largely untouched…and self-coaching is totally a new concept invented by Mitra who is the only seasoned mindfulness educators offering such creative and powerful program.
This is a unique program that is not academic, scientific, or mystical, but encompasses all of the above without being limited by each.
the attention crisis
Our attention is our inner currency, and if it was land, it would be the most valuable real estate in the world. The cost of a 30-second Super Bowl Ad in the US in 2020 was $5,600,000. This means an hour of our attention from the point-of-view of advertisers was worth $672,000,000. And this is only one of numerous ways the world is willing to pay for our attention.
So why is our attention so worthy to others, and, at times, so unworthy to us? Why do we spend it so carelessly? Is there an attention crisis in the world, with media, apps, games, and politics sucking it away? It seems at times like there are attention thieves targeting us from all sides. Can we turn that around and take our attention back, become our own attention CEOs?
The answer to the all-important last question
is YES, absolutely! Regardless of what’s going on in the world and what tricks are being developed to rob us from spending our attention mindfully, we can take charge, join the Mindful Choice Movement of Attentionists, and reclaim our most valuable asset, our inner currency, our attention!
About The Course
Why is this program needed?
There is a lot of suffering in our world, especially now. A great deal of that suffering is due to our lack of knowhow about our unused, underused, and misused choices. Recent global events have taught us that we can’t rely on the permanence of external norms, even if they have served or are currently serving us. We learned that our truest asset is the way we see and lead our lives. We learned that we are contagious and interconnected, now more than ever before, in our ignorance and intelligence, in our harm and healing, and in our regression and transformation.
Mindful Attentionist education in general, and the Mindful Attentionist self-coaching program in particular, are needed because they provide simple and deep ways of understanding the complicated whys of where we are and how we got here, along with practical tools for bringing wholeness back to our fragmented world.
The Attentionist concept is a new and empowering way of understanding, applying, and teaching mindful, choice-based living. Our program identifies and addresses obstacles, provides strategies, and guides you to learn to live like an Attentionist, with a keen appreciation of your most precious asset—your attention! You’ll learn and earn a well-rounded education that will allow you to coach yourself to live a mindful and choiceful life from the physical and material, mental, emotional, and spiritual perspectives, and go on to become a professional coach if you choose to do so!

What is Included
- 11 Audio Lessons that you listen to every other week
- 33 Home Practices – 3 new ones, every 2 weeks
- 2 x Month — Live virtual video AMA sessions with Mitra
- 1 x Month Peer-led session facilitated by senior participants & graduates
- Access to WhatsApp on-going chat (optional)
- Opportunity to purchase all classes in our “Store” at 70% off
- One full year membership and access to all above services.
2025 Schedule
- Sunday, January 12 & 26, 2025
- Sunday, February 9 & 23, 2025
- Sunday, March 9 & 30, 2025
- Sunday, April 13 & 27, 2025
- Sunday, May 11 & 25, 2025
- Sunday, June 15 & 29, 2025
- Sunday, July 13 & 27, 2025
- Sunday, August 10 & 31, 2025
- Sunday, September 14 & 28, 2025
- Sunday, October 12 & 26, 2025
- Sunday, November 9, 2025 (Thanksgiving)
- Sunday, December 14 & 28, 2025
You can start the program as soon as you register and move at your own pace. We don’t believe in restricting your access, however, we strongly, very strongly, suggest that you go slowly by listening to a new lesson every 2 weeks or longer if necessary, participate in AMA sessions to receive answers to your questions, and practice what you’ve learned before moving on to the next lesson. The monthly peer-led meetings also allow you to share and hear insights of other participants. At the end of the 12 months, you will have accessed and understood self-coaching materials, learned tools, practiced deeply, and will be part of a community of seekers and Attentionists, a great combo that allows for a true and thorough transformation.
Partial 50% scholarship is available to those eager to learn and grow through this program, but are financially unable to pay for the full tuition.
What graduates of MAC Self-Coaching say
Healing Expanding Freeing
One Love Energy
When a shooting star passes by
“Oh, look. Poor her... she is falling”
The shooting star replies:
"How can you know from your stillness
If am falling or rising.”
Mitra, Thank you for opening a whole new way of being.